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lundi, 10 avril 2006

Malcolm III, successeur de Macbeth...

    ... fut, si l'on en croit le site d'histoire écossaise que recèle Electric Scotland, couronné en avril 1057, profitant ainsi de la vacance du pouvoir.

Malcolm III, better known in history by the name of Malcolm Ceanmore, or great head, vindicated his claim to the vacant throne, and was crowned at Scone, 25th April, 1057. His first care was to recompense those who had assisted him in obtaining the sovereignty, and it is said that he created new titles of honour, by substituting earls for thanes; but this had been disputed, and there are really no data from which a certain conclusion can be drawn.


Sic transit gloria mundi.


Non, MuMM, sic transit gloria lundi...

J'ai toujours pensé que /Thane/ était /Dane/ mal prononcé.

Écrit par : joye | lundi, 10 avril 2006

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