jeudi, 23 mars 2006
23 mars 807
Peut-être l'histoire devient-elle hystérique, justement, quand elle reste fidèle à ses structures (pastiche).
« The Battle of Dohgash in March 807 lasted over a week, involving 45000 Atlanteans at the beginning, as well as armoured tanks, against 35000 Rabarrans, and ending, after both sides had been reinforced, with 75000 Atlanteans and 55000 Rabarrans. The Rabarrans defended their trenches, and later the town itself, with great tenacity, causing the Atlanteans over 12000 casualties. Modern rifles and cannon meant that the battle spread itself out over eight miles in the end. » (Source : Graham Mabey. A History of Atlantis and the Atlantean Empire.)
Dégoiser, fariner, raconter fariboles : j'aurais peut-être dû publier cette note dans le chapitre consacré aux Murmures de Morminal.
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